Monday 13 February 2017

Connecticut resident Filipe Monteiro: Reasons to Work with Your Hands

Connecticut resident Filipe Monteiro lives in Connecticut and works in the tristate area through his company, Monteiro’s Masonry Construction, LLC. He works on projects of all sizes and supervises all projects from start to finish.

Before Monteiro’s Masonry Construction, Connecticut resident Filipe Monteiro lived in his home country of Portugal, where he helped rebuild communities for several years with the army. His upbringing gave him an appreciation for all things outdoors and for helping others whenever possible. 
Mr. Monteiro came to the United States in 2002 and, as soon as he was comfortable with the English language, launched his company. He works with brick, marble, granite, limestone, travertine, cast stone, glass blocks, concrete blocks and cob in both residential and commercial markets.

Working with his hands has allowed Mr. Monteiro to stay connected with nature and enjoy the serenity of the outdoors while paving his career path. People like him, who work with their hands, enjoy benefits like those touched on below:

·        Stay Fit. Working with your hands keeps you moving and, provided you take proper safety precautions, the activity will keep you fit long into your life.

·        Be Happy. Those who work with their hands have a lower risk of issues like anxiety and depression. The act of creating – not to mention vitamin D from being outdoors – releases feel-good hormones that fight mental imbalance.

·        Feel Accomplished. Construction professionals and other craftspeople can see physical representations of their ability, creating a greater sense of accomplishment than a field with intangible results. 

If you’re reluctant to begin your career working with your hands, consider what makes you happy in life. For those like Connecticut resident Filipe Monteiro, who like being in nature, staying moving and producing quality work, it might be the best way to marry personal happiness with professional success.

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